adventurer night

Latest Projects

Erin's plays and screenplays have been produced by The Regina Taylor Project at Northwestern and featured in AMC Theaters across the country through the Sprite Refreshing Films program. 

Her works cover everything from psychics and secret societies to dystopian time travelers and historical explorers.

Based in New York, she's currently working on a novel, developing her newest TV pilot, and spending much more time than she should watching Korean dramas.


Want To Write Together?

Take a look at Erin’s most recent endeavor—a Choose Your Own Adventure-style collaborative storytelling blog. At the end of each new story segment, you can tell her what you want to see happen next, and she’ll use your ideas to write the next leg of the adventure.

“We’re all travelers of a sort. Drifting this way and that. Sometimes even racing forward, maybe towards a purpose . . . But only some of us know where we’re going. Or what we’ll do when we get there.”

— Seneca


Questions? Comments? Life-Changing Opportunities?